
In the Midst of Our Shared Vulnerability

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In the Midst of Our Shared Vulnerability

In these unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, we feel the ground quivering, shifting.  We sense that life as we have lived it, is changed.  Our collective anxieties about what may come echo a familiar terrain.  Is the proverbial rug going to be pulled from under us, like what happened when our loved ones died?  In the midst of our shared vulnerability, can we hold on to something constant and unchanging?  Perhaps the following poem may offer a glimpse of what is enduring and true for each of us.


Each person who enters our lives,
And every experience we have,
Is a teacher.
Some things we learn about ourselves
amaze us,
Some trouble us.


But through it all,
each relationship continues…
Everyone we have loved
Has become a part of us…


And no relationship,
created in love, 
Can ever die.

– Author Unknown –


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