
2024 Appeal for Hope

Taller Duelo en la Familia
November 5, 2024
Kara candlelight service
2024 Candlelight Service of Remembrance
December 5, 2024

For nearly five decades, Kara has been a beacon of hope for those navigating the challenges and complexities of grief. Thanks to the unwavering dedication of our staff, volunteers, and generous supporters like you, we are able to provide invaluable grief support services to thousands each year, free of charge.

Your financial contributions are critical to ensuring that both adults and youth can access a safe, compassionate space where they can heal, connect meaningfully with others, and learn practical tools for navigating their journey through loss—all without the burden of financial stress.

The transformative impact of your generosity is evident in the countless testimonials we receive from those we serve. Whether through individual counseling, support groups, community events, or educational workshops, your support directly brings healing, hope, and renewal to those in their most vulnerable moments.

Evan T., prior client and current volunteer, shared the following on how Kara inspires him:

Kara came into my family’s lives at our most helpless moments. We had lost my mom, Lucy, to breast cancer when I was seven and my two little brothers were six years old. At that age, I remember living a very isolating and taboo existence. I did not know anyone who had lost a parent like me, and my grief felt hopelessly insurmountable. Kara provided that space to meet other kids who were mourning, and made me feel like it was okay to play again. It was the first time I was told it was normal to be sad and angry after what happened. Facilitators who had also lived through loss helped me articulate and actually process these feelings. If Kara hadn’t been there for my family and taught me how to understand and grow with my grief, I might still be harboring that same pain I felt when I was seven.

Today, I am happily attending the medical school of my dreams, while continuing to give back to Kara by volunteering as a peer counselor. I credit my experience as a client and volunteer at Kara for helping to develop my emotional intelligence and resilience — qualities that have contributed to my success so far and that I will carry into my future medical practice as a physician.

We urge you to make a donation today! Join us as we provide hope and compassion to the bereaved and strive to build a more grief-informed community. Together, we can ensure that no one faces grief alone.

We are deeply grateful for your kindness and generosity.

Jim Santucci, CPA
Executive Director

Download and share our appeal letter, click here.