Matching Gifts
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization?
Please use the search tool below to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift. Thank You!
Our Information
When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form you may need the following information:
EIN: 94-2431483
Mailing Address:
457 Kingsley Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Contact Information:
Phone: (650) 321-5272
Because of Kara, I was able to move through my grief journey from having trouble breathing some days, to acceptance, to being able to celebrate the wonderful life of my brother. Our community is stronger and healthier because of the tireless work of everyone involved in Kara’s mission.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit Kara is eligible to accept bequests. Please consider including Kara in your will or trust. Our federal identification number is 94-2431483. Contact us at 650-321-5272.