
2016 Year-End Appeal – Give Today!

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2016 Year-End Appeal – Give Today!

Welcoming   Compassionate  Understandingimg_0054

Recently, we got the chance to speak with Adrian. He and his son, Antonio, were participants in our peer-support groups for two years after the untimely death of Adrian’s wife, Claudia. Adrian thoughtfully described his experience with Kara as “welcoming, compassionate and understanding.” Highlights below from our discussion demonstrate the caring foundation of our services and how your financial support helps bring healing.

What made your group welcoming?
“Though I had no idea of what to expect, I told myself I’d at least try out the group. As it turns out after one or two sessions I didn’t need to make an effort.  I really looked forward to going and was so happy to meet people who were willing to share that no matter what obstacles there were, we could get through this.”

How was the group compassionate? “When we joined the group we were in pretty rough shape. I had no idea how I was going to help Antonio and make our lives whole again. I was incredibly apprehensive about being a single parent, to make choices about my son on my own. It was mentally exhausting not to have anyone to talk to. When I shared this with my group, no one laughed at me. They understood me because they had been there. This illuminated in me my own sense of resilience and capability.

What made you feel understood? “The group facilitators are all deeply experienced in grief. Many had gone through their own grief process and then became peer-support volunteers as a way to give back to others in grief. The accompaniment and companionship of both the facilitators and group participants was incredibly transformative.”

Kara gaGirl Thanks Youve me everything I needed when I needed it,” says Adrian.
This is why your gift is so important. Your donation can provide that same care, compassion, and connection to those who are grieving, just like Adrian and Antonio. Your generosity will ensure another 40 years of serving the bereaved in our community.

GIVE TODAY and increase the impact of your gift!
Your new or increased donation can be doubled thanks to combined matching grants of $52,000 from the E.F. Harris and Sobrato Family Foundations!

We all have different needs and experiences after the loss of a loved one and Kara has the ability to support the uniqueness of grief.  -Adrian

December 2016 E-News
December 1, 2016
2017 Volunteer Training – Opportunity to Serve
December 26, 2016