
2018 Navigating the Holidays Workshop

Kara Walk-N-Run
2018 Walk’n’Run to Remember
August 26, 2018
Día de los Muertos 2018
October 4, 2018

The end of year holiday season can be difficult after the death of a family member, and often brings up new feelings, questions or challenges…

We’re sad. Why celebrate?        

      Should we stay home or get away?

             It doesn’t seem right to be happy.      

                     How can we have our traditions?

                                      All these holiday parties really irritate me!

                                                               Can’t the holidays just go away!  6a014e869165f4970d0154364fc0b6970c

Designed for Parents & Adult Children seeking ways to manage the holidays after the death of a family member, the intention of our Navigating the Holidays Workshop is to provide a safe and encouraging space for family members to discover, heal, and find increased awareness of each person’s grief during the holidays. We will facilitate a supportive interactive environment for families to share ideas related to coping with and helping find ways to make the holidays meaningful.

Date:   Saturday, November 10, 2018
Location: 457 Kingsley Ave., Palo Alto, 94301
9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Suggested Donation: $25.00

Interested in attending or want more information?

Please Email:  holidayworkshop18@kara-grief.org by November 4th.

I liked being in the small group and discussing the holiday topics. I came away with a message of being kind to myself and not being afraid to communicate my needs to friends and family. This workshop was so very helpful to me.

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