March 30, 2017
As caregivers, we share the wish to be kind in the face of challenge; strong, courageous and honest in the face of suffering, and the wish to be real. Among the many challenges that caregivers face are the issues of burn-out and compassion fatigue which can happen anytime. In our next Forum, we’ll take a close look at compassion fatigue – what it is, what it isn’t, and explore practical methods to ease the suffering associated with illness, dying and death.
This Forum is offered for people facing or living with life-threatening or chronic illness, as well as for caregivers to those diminished by illness or age and grieving the loss or impending loss of a loved one. It is designed for both the personal caregiver and family member and for professionals who wish to enhance their competency levels as they relate to client issues around aging, illness, death and bereavement. Light refreshments will be provided. While not required, registering for the evening helps us plan accordingly. You can sign up by clicking on the link below. Additionally, you can sign up on our email contact form to be notified about Caregivers Forum information.