Camp Erin

Camp Kara Application Information

Camp Kara Application Information

Applications available now through March 24th.

Space is limited. Please apply early!

Applications are reviewed in the order received and priority is given to new campers, those living in the San Francisco Bay Area, and those who have experienced a death in the 36 months prior to camp.

Please read all of the information on this page, you will find a link to the application at the bottom

Step 1: Complete Parts 1 and 2 of the application.

Part 1 collects information for the family. Part 2 collects information for the child. Part 1 will only need to be completed once, please complete Part 2 for each child applying to camp.

Step 2: Additional Information

We will contact you if we need additional information to help us better understand your child’s needs. If we leave a message and do not hear back from you promptly, we must place you on the waitlist and move on to the next applicant.

Step 3: Family Group Interview

The parent or guardian, as well as all children applying, will be required to attend a family group interview.
This family group interview will be an opportunity for you to get more information about Camp Kara, and will allow us to meet and interact with all of the potential campers and their families in a group setting. This is also an excellent opportunity for the campers to meet each other. We will contact you with directions and what to bring.

  1. Friday evening, April 25th | 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm | Palo Alto
  2. Saturday morning, April 26th | 10:00 am – 11:30 pm | Livermore
  3. Saturday morning, May 10th | 10:00 am – 11:30 am | Palo ALto

Family Group Interview Details

A confirmation email will be sent to you approximately 2 weeks before the Family Group Interview you signed up for with detailed information on the location.

We will start the interview with a short presentation about camp, we will then break into groups. Children and teens will spend the remaining time doing activities, parents and guardians will need to complete some required registration paperwork. Staff and volunteers will be available during the entire process to answer any questions.

You will be notified via email by May 31st if your child/teen is accepted to attend Camp Kara 2025.

Once capacity of the camp is reached, later applicants will be placed on a waitlist.

2025 Camp Kara Application