
Support For

Supporting Your Unique Needs

Serving the Grieving in Our Community

Kara offers support to the bereaved in the community regardless of race, sex, color, age, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or immigration status. Service options may include both in-person and telehealth (phone or video meetings) support services. Our peer support services are available at no cost. Donations are greatly appreciated. Inquiries from individuals, families, and organizations should be submitted through this contact form or by calling us at 650-321-5272.

Guided by empathy, Kara serves with compassion and care those in our community who grieve the loss of someone significant in their life. We recognize both the universality and the individuality of each person’s grief experience and offer emotional support and information for those grieving a death or coping with a terminal illness (their own or another's). Our vision is to empower all age groups to integrate grief into their lives and move toward renewed hope and meaning. Kara is a self-referral organization. Some people find it helpful to have a supportive family member or friend present with them when they contact us for services. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to connect you to the services that meet your unique needs.

Request Services: Call Us 650-321-5272 | Submit Online Form | En Espanol

Professional Referrals are welcome. Please review our Professional Referral Guidelines


Community Member Testimonials

  • Peer Client
    My grief counselor from Kara was exactly what i needed at the time i needed it. I had lost my only son, and she had as well, in the same way, there was nothing i could tell her that surprised her, all the terrible thoughts i was having , I felt so hopeless,  but she showed me that such a loss is survivable, and that life still will have meaning and gladness, at some point.
    Peer Client